We Help Busy Creators Grow Their Shows

Editing and production services designed to grow your show by repurposing highlight clips from your content.

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Trusted by the world's top podcasts

Proven Strategies
To Grow Your Show 🚀

We save you time, money and generate real results by repurposing your already amazing long form content into highlight clips that reach millions of people on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube.

How we do it

Our Process is Super Simple


First we develop a strategy that will best represent your show and brand through clips.


Our team will go through your long form content, edit and curate clips that we know will generate results and post them to all applicable social media accounts.


Now we watch the clips reach millions of people and generate real, tangible results.

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Our Work

170,000 Followers + 13,200,000 People Reached

In just our first 60 days of working together, we've taken the Doctor Farmacy TikTok page to over 170,000 followers (now over 200,000), as well as reached over 13 million people in the same time frame.
Did we mention its only been 60 days? For the most up to date numbers please visit the TikTok Page.

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Frequently asked questions

Answers to the burning questions in your mind.

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How does it work?

Our process is simple: develop a strategy that will generate the results you want, edit the highlight clips, distribute the content, and finally, analyze the results! It is with this exact system that we have helped our clients reach 1,000,000 people per month on TikTok alone within our first 30 days of working together.

Which social media platforms do we manage?

Our services are ideal for Instagram, YouTube, and Tiktok. Because of the ability to grow fairly fast, TikTok is our most popular platform for management.

How much will this cost?

We offer a basic package that includes one platform as well as a full-scale offer that includes every platform. Each package is customizable and is configured to your budget and business needs. Pricing is a monthly flat rate based on your desired services.

Is there a contract?

We know how daunting it can be to sign a contract that you may not be interested in a few months down the line. That is why we offer a noncontractual service where we operate on a month-to-month basis. We do also offer a contractual service with which you will receive further savings, longer term plans and projections, as well as exclusive discounts on our other services and offers.

How quick can I expect results?

It depends. We have worked with clients who have seen rapid growth in the first 30 days, and others who don't see growth for six months. It depends on which platform the content is being distributed on and how efficiently we are able to work together to find the content that people find the most valuable and engaging. If you are looking for an agency that will simply increase your follower count then this is not the service for you. We help automate your time and save you money by establishing systems to produce, manage, and distribute content to grow a raving fan base, not just increase an arbitrary followers count.